domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

El Piso del Diablo

I must excuse myself to this fellowship of Latin gods for speaking in this northern language – I know it’s a taboo among our house members. But "I am slow thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires"; I’m always prompt to silence and when it comes to speaking, I have this tendency of only enjoying it if I’m speaking professionally.

Please, forgive me my working idiosyncrasies – probably inconvenient, but certainly harmless – and allow in this room a foreign tongue. I’m a misfit not only in this house of Sudacos, but mostly everywhere I go. I belong to all the groups, and to none at all. In every room, I’m used to being the stranger. And if I advertise nothing, I’m also reluctant to hide; sometimes it shows.

In my professional talking activities, I’m already exploring irresponsibly the English market. And even though a huge center of affection somewhere along my soul intensively craves for absorbing Spanish just to join deeper into the world of my dear god companions, I can’t spend my scarce resources diving into a third language marketing. I’m small and my existence has a short fuse – I feel that only a breeze parts me from nothing.

My blog community just grew, and now I must unify this virtual universe in a single tongue inside my mouth.

A man I trust once wrote we are all islands – and that no matter how many bridges we build, the abyss is always there.

Weren’t we, from the beginning, loud gods screaming from the distances of their islands? Aren’t we all united solely by our voices?

I call for you all, and when you scream back, or even when you just listen, you touch me. I’m lonely. I want to speak, when I can turn the words into a leaping pole and get to you; or when I can’t accomplish farther than only trying it, and fall face to the ground.

You are all dear to me, because we touched – and you were all, in your each and only particular way, very friendly towards me. And though I speak an inferior language to your ears, you should know that it fits, for I bow.

I want to touch more. I feel isolated in my room, my earphones, mostly anywhere at all. I want to make more dears friends and companions. And all you, screaming gods, are invited:

1 comentario:

FeroH dijo...

I can try to write in english.

Some time ago, i had this idea of having in the hole wolrd only one language. Then i discard that idea, but till today i still always think about it.

We still r islands, and there's still a huge abyss, but that's the only we have, and are.

form a distance island in the sudaka part of the wolrd... i belive